Rabu, 21 September 2016

360 Daftar Judul Skripsi Sastra & Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

1 The Influence The Of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot In Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance Of Being Earnest”

2 An analysis of the main character’s hatred depicted in sandra brown’s novel where there’s smoke.

3 Effects Of Pre-Questioning On The Reading Comprehension Achievement Of The Second Grade Students At Sman-2 Jekan Raya In Academic Year 2006/2007

4 An Error Analysis On The Use Of Simple Past Tense Among The Ninth Year Students Of Smpn 3 Pare In 2006-2007

5 A Study On Teaching English Using Games To The Ninth Year Students Of Smpn 3 Pare-Kediri In 2007-2008

6 An Error Analysis On The Use Of Simple Present Tense Among The Ninth Year Students Of Smpn 3 Pare In 2007-2008

7 A Comparative Study Between English And Indonesia Adverbs

8 The influence of the ability in mastering dialogue on the achievement in learning english to the second year students at m.a.n. Magelang

1 The study on Argument in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s speeches at International event

2 Linguistics Disorder of Stuttered Character in the Movie “A Fish Called Wanda”

3 Lexical Meanings Used in Five Speeches of the Most Influential Speeches in Twentieth Century

4 A Critical Discourse Analysis of Derogation and Euphemization in Ahmadinejad’s International Speeches

5 A Woman’s Roles in William Shakespeare’s Othello

6 Initiations and Responses in Larry King Live

7 Code switching used by AFI 3 commentators in the concerts of afi 3 on Indosiar

8 Social backgound of taboo language expressed in the Movie of American Gangster

9 Religious conflict between french catholic and protestant in christopher marlowe’s the massacre at paris, with the death of the duke of guise

10 An analysis of the main character’s hierarcky need in norah vincent’s self - made man

11 Morphological Error Found in the English Essays of the Fifth Semester Students of English Letters and Language Department of UIN Malang in 2008

12 A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Comprehension Disorder of the Schizophrenic Character in “A Beautiful Mind” Movie

13 Beauty Concept of Geisha in Arthur Golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha

14 Man’s Search for Meaning Based on Logotherapy Theory in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises

15 The Sexist Swear Words Used by the Characters in Shottas Movie

16 A Micro Structure as a Discursive Strategy on Racism in “Hotel Rwanda”

17 A Grammatical Error Analysis of Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition

18 Racism in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird

19 A Discourse Analysis on Negative Politeness Strategy Used in There is something about Mary Film

20 Apology Strategies Used by the Characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice Movie

21 The Violation of Maxims in the Conversation of “Step Up 2”

22 Key Words Used by the Football Manager José Mourinho in Provoking the Rivals

23 Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem's Lyrics

24 A Study on the Associative Meanings of The Jakarta Post Weekender Magazine

25 The Events in Setting Influencing Nancy’s Personality in Mary Higgins Clark’s Where Are The Children

26 Women’s Speech Features Used by the Characters of Sex and the City Movie

27 Transformational Processes of Deletion Found in the Debate Transcript of Barrack Obama and John McCain

28 Racial Discrimination Reflected in Edward P. Jones’s The Known World

29 The Monomania of the Main Character Dr. William Chester Minor in Simon Winchester’s The Professor and the Madman

30 Speech Style Used in The Oprah Winfrey Show

31 Apology Used In Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason Movie

32 Hedonism and Homosexual Tendency in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray

33 Discourse Markers Used By James Bond As The Main Character Of "Casino Royale"

34 Gratitude Expressions and Gratitude Responses of Male and Female Characters in Rachel Getting Married Movie

35 A Discourse Analysis on the Persuasive Technique Used in DRTV Advertisement

36 EPersuasive Strategy Used By David Cameron In His Political Campaign Speeches During 2009-2010 United Kingdom Prime Ministerial lection

37 Rhetorical Appeals of Pastor Stanley and Ahmed Deedat in Great Open Debate “Is Jesus God?”

38 Women’s Rebellion against the Patriarchal System in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

39 Flouting and Hedging Maxims inKung Fu Panda Movie

40 Jane’s Refusal Towards Gender Inequalities In The Victorian Era Revealed In Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (A Liberal Feminist Literary Criticism)

41 A Study on Flouting and Hedging Maxims Used By the Main Characters on “Daddy Day Camp”

42 Claims of Fact in Opinion Editorial-Columnist Sections of The New York Times On-line Newspaper

43 A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Sign Language Used by Jonah in And Your Name is Jonah Movie

44 A Psycholinguistic Study on Language Disorder of a Dyslexic Character in the Movie “Like Stars on Earth”

45 Learning Objectives in J. K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

46 Associative Meaning Found in The Central Media News

47 Syntactic Characteristics of African American Vernacular English on ‘a Raisin’ in the Sun’ Film

48 Implicature Found in Epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul

49 Language Styles of Advertisements in Time Magazine

50 Slavery in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

51 Hesitation in Weekly English Program of Pondok Pesantren Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep Madura

52 A Syntactic Analysis of Negative and Interrogative Sentences in Kangguru Magazine by Using Diane Bornstein s Tree Diagrams Theory

53 Gender Discrimination Experienced by the Main Character Described in The Last Empress By Anchee Min

54 Psychological Dilemma of the Major Characters in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper

55 Gratitude Strategy Used by the Characters of Charlie Bartlett Movie

56 The Politeness Strategies Used by Anne as The Ambitious Main Character in “The Other Boleyn Girl” Movie

57 The Structure of Sentence Used in Headlines of FourFourTwo Magazine Website

58 A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Intimate Language in Camp Rock

59 Implicatures Used in “the Devil Wears Prada” Film

60 Oppression Toward Women in George Eliot’s Novel The Mill on the Floss

61 An Analysis on Women’s Language Used by the Main Character of “Thirteen” Movie

62 A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams

63 Oppression to Women in Shirley Conran’s Crimson (A Feminist Literary Criticism)

64 A Syntactic Analysis on the Sentences Found in ‘Dora the Explorer’

65 Flouting and Hedging Maxims Found In Opinion Column of the Jakarta Post

66 Claims of Policy in Editorial Column of “The New York Times” Newspaper

67 Explicatures in the Headline News of Sunday Post

68 A Psycholinguistic Study on Language Comprehension Disorder of Character with Asperger’s Syndrome in the Movie “My Name is Khan”

69 A Study of Language Functions Used by the Caretakers of Autistic Children in “Miracle Run”

70 An Analysis of Formal Links Used in the English Translation of Shahih Bukhari

71 Perlawanan masyarakat kaum bawah inggris terhadap diskriminasi pada masa Revoluasi pada masa revolusi industri dalam Charle Dickens’ Hard Times

72 Emma Bovary’s Suicide in Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary

73 Implicature Used in Humors of Yes Man Movie

74 Miss Havisham’s Mental Disorders in Charles Dickens’s “Great Expectations” (Islamic Psychological Analysis)

75 Types of Expository Writing on the Headline News of Aljazeera.com

76 Isabel’s Struggle against Hypocrisy in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure

77 A Study of Grammatical Cohesion of Barack Obama's Speech in Al-Azhar University

78 An Analysis on Politeness Principles Used in “Spartacus” Movie

79 Paragraf sebab akibat yang digunakan di kolom bisnis di Koran the Jakarta Globe

80 A Discourse Study of Types of Cohesion Used by the Main Character of “Freedom Writers”

81 Moll’s Struggles in Being A Gentlewoman in Georgian Era in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders

82 Armenian-American Immigrants Reflected in William Saroyan’s The Man with the Heart in the Highlands

83 A Critical Discourse Analysis on Valkyrie

84 The Implicatures Used in the Debate between Barrack Obama and John McCain

85 Strategi Giliran Berbicara yang digunakan oleh Pewawancara di Metro TV “Indonesia This Morning”

86 Parenting Styles in John Hughes’ The Ship of Dreams

87 Languages Style Used in the Namesake Film

88 A Modality on Crash Movie

89 Implicature Used By the Main Character on the Movie Transcript of Memoirs of Geisha

90 A Discourse Analysis on Context Clues in Reading Section Used in 2009 Final Examination (UAN) of Senior High School

91 The translation of Gerund In Carolin Plaisted Novel ELOVE And Its Translation By Sutanti Lesmana

92 A Semantic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Furqon by T. B. Irving

93 Comparative Study on Suprasegmental Phonemes in English Speech between Native And Non Native Speaker Teachers in BSNP

94 “A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement in “Time” Magazine”

95 Flouting and Hedging Maxims in “Ratatouille” Film

96 Social Class and Political Satire in Mark Twain s The Prince and the Pauper

97 Women’s Woman Struggle Againts Gender Inequality in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte

98 The Main Character’s Need in Elizabeth Dunkle’s Every Woman Loves Russian Poet (Based on Abraham Maslow’s Theory)

99 A Brief Description Of Characters In Andrea Hirata’s Novel “Sang Pemimpi”

100 A Brief Study Of Characters In Andrea Hirata’s Novel Laskar Pelangi 

101 Anna’s Personality Through Sigmund’s Freud Theory In Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper

102 The Perceptions Of Free-Sex Ofthe People As Reflected In Roger’s American Pie 2

103 Hedonism Of American Travelers During 1870s As Reflected In Henry James’s Daisy Miller

104 The Capitalist Dominance Found In Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery 

105 The Psychoanalytical Study On The Characteristics And Causes Of Josephine’s Deviant Behaviors Found In Agatha Christie’s Novel Crooked House

106 Assimilation Among The Characters In Bharati Mukherjee’s Novel Desirable Daughters

107 Empathy Empowerment As Therapy For Mood Disorders Reflected On The Main Characters In John D. Macdonald’s Novel Cancel All Our Vows

108 Figures Of Speech Expressed In Norman Vincent Peale’s You Can If You Think You Can

109 A Psychoanalysis On Conflict Of The Main Character As Seen In The Film “Jersey Girl”

110 Unveiling The Mystery Of Incest As The Mirror Of Soul Depression In “The God Of Small Things” And Its Relevance To The Modern Society: A Psychological Approach

111 Logical Fallacies Incausal Patterns Made By Debaters In The Eighth Indonesian Varsities English Debate Championship 2005

112 The Main Character’s Role In Kaw’s Culture Reflected In Mary Whitebird’s Ta-Na-E-Ka

113 Jane eyre, a portrayal ofbritish middle class women in the 19th century as reflected in charlotte bronte’s novel “jane eyre”

114 The Impacts Of Parent’s Ambition In Developing Child’s Talents Toward Child’s Development As Reflected In Tan’s Two Kinds

115 Psychoanalysis Of The Dream Works To Show Roy’s Despair Toward Indian Society In Arundhati Roy’s “The God Of Small Things”

116 Racial Prejudice Against The Half-Castes In Australia In Xavier Herbert’s Novel “Capricornia”

117 A Feminist-Marxist Criticism On Candace Bushnell’s “Sex And The City” 

118 Motivation Of The Main Character’s Survival In O’henry’s ‘Soapy’s Choice’

119 Rhetorical Devices Found Injewel’s Song Lyrics

120 The Struggle For Human Rights Of Gay And Aids - Infected Person Of The Main Character In Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia Movie

121 Code-Switchingin Cool Jockey’s Utterances In Rct Fm Semarang

122 Violations Of The Gender Equality Principles Revealed In The Novel Inside The Kingdom By Carmen Bin Ladin

123 A Woman’s Ambitions In Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poems Entitled “How Do I Love Thee” And “The Lady’s Yes”

124 The Study Of Symbol In Herman Melville’s Moby Dick

125 The Oppressions Of Women In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

126 Register Analysis In English Movie Advertisements Of www.21-cineplex.com (A Sociolinguistics Study)

127 Homosexuality In James Baldwin’s Novel “Giovanni’s Room”

128 Conversational Implicature In Shelagh Delaney’s‘a Taste Of Honey’

129 A Translation Analysis Of Colloquial Expressions In The Children’s Storybook Entitled The Secret Life Of Ms Wiz By Terence Blacker

130 An Analysis Of Idiomatic Expressions Used In The Translations Of Tolstoy’s Stories And Tales Contained In The Best Stories And Tales Of Leo Tolstoy By Aylmer Maude

131 Anti Racism Propaganda Inalice Walker’s “The Color Purple” 

132 Undermining Bourgeois Mentality As Reflected In Charles Dickens’ Novel “Great Expectations”

133 Context Of Situation And Context Of Culture In William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet XVIII”

134 A Comparative Study On Diction And Sentence Structure Between Spoken News Broadcast By Cnn International And Written News Articles Issued By Time Magazine

135 Domestic Violence Against Woman In Helvy Tiana Rosa’s A Meeting In A Silent Garden

136 Analysis Of Juvenalian Satire Toward Women And Society Found In Eminem’s Lyrics

137 The spirit of individualism of george walker bushas reflected in his biography written byelizabeth mitchell
W: revenge of the bush dynasty

138 Symbols Of The Nature Destruction In Ang Lee’s Film Hulk

139 An Analysis Of Idiomatic Expressions Used In The Translations Of Tolstoy’s Stories And Tales Contained In The Best Stories And Tales Of Leo Tolstoy By Aylmer Maude

140 Woman's Struggle As Reflected By Tracy Whitney In If Tomorrow Comeswritten By Sidney Sheldon

141 Imagery Found In “In Bloom”, “Lounge Act”, And “Drain You” Song Lyrics Of Kurt Cobain

142 Scott O’dell’s View Towards Woman’s Position In Nineteenth Century Indian’s Society As Reflected In Streams To The River, River To The Sea

143 Social Conflicts Between Upper Class And Lower Class As A Result Of Industrialization Found In Jack London’s Short Story “South Of The Slot”

144 Love As A Motivation Of Life For The Main Character Reflected In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappacini’s Daughter”

145 A Deconstructive Analysis Of Man’s Hegemony Over Woman In Love In Oscar Wilde’s Drama A Florentine Tragedy

146 Men’s Perceptions Toward Women’s Existence As Reflected By Men Characters’ Actions Toward Geisha In Arthur Golden’s Novel “Memoirs Of A Geisha”

147 Reflection Of Ethical And Psychological Hedonism In James Cameron’s Movie Titanic

148 The Structure Of English Conversations Between Tour Guides And Foreign Visitors In Mangkunegaran Palace Of Surakarta

149 Social Bias Of Modern Society In Pretty Womanfilm

150 The Downfall Of State Officials Lured By Political Temptations (A Psychoanalytical Study ofShakespeare’s Drama Script Othello)

151 The Expressions Of The Main Characters’ Love In Thomas Hardy’s Novel The Return Of The Native (Psychological Approach)

152 Racial Conflicts Among The Characters Of Percy’s A Note To Racial Relation

153 Lara Cameron’s Motivation In Achieving Power And Wealth In Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down

154 Geisha’s Life In Japanese Culture Before World War Ii Reflected In Memoirs Of A Geisha A Sociology Study in Literatur

155 The Generalized And Particularized Implicature Found In Time Magazine Advertisement Slogans

156 Type Of Processes Found In The Jakarta Post News In The Topic Of Tsunami In Aceh: A Transitivity Analysis

157 Children’s Dream And Maturity Steps In White Lion’s Song Lyric When The Children Cry

158 Language Style Analysis On Anton Chekhov’s “The Boor” Play

159 The Psychoanalytical Study Onmahmoody’s Aggressive Behavior Found In Betty Mahmoody’s Autobiographical Novel “Not Without My Daughter”

160 A Communist Propaganda Towards American Black Society Through Richard Wright’s Native Son

161 The Influence Of Conflicts To Jerilee’s Character Development In Harolrd Robbins’ The Lonely Lady

162 A sociolinguistic study on vocabulary reflecting gender bias on “elizabeth: the golden age”

163 A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Gender Stereotyping In It’s A Boy Girl Thing Movie

164 An Analysis Of Children’s Emotion In Privratsky’s Conversations With My Daughter Through The Freudian Psychoanalysis Theory

165 Neo Colonialism In Afghanistan As Representation Of America In Khalled Hoesseini’s Novel The Kite Runner

166 Quality of the Discourse Developed by the Participants of Java Overland English Debate 2007

167 The Aspects Of Heroism Reflected In Go The Distancesung By Michael Bolton And Heroby Mariah Carey

168 Analysis Of Meaning Of Phrasal Verbs Found In Jodi Picoult’s Novel “My Sister’s Keeper”

169 An Analysis Of Pure Love In Jane Austen’s Novel, Pride And Prejudice

170 Analisis Sintaktis Dan Semantis Moto Iklan Rokok Berbahasa Inggris

171 Analisis Kalimat Intransitif Pada Novel If Tomorrow Comes Karya Sidney Sheldon Satu Kajian Sintaktis-Semantis

172 Pronomina Persona ‘You’ Pada Novel The Da Vinci Code Karya Dan Brown Dan Terjemahannya : Satu Kajian Sintaktis – Semantis

173 Kombinasi Verba Dengan Partikel Down, In, On Dan Upsebagai Adverbia Atau Preposisi Dalam Novel The Clientkarya John Grisham (Suatu Kajian Sintaksis Dan Semantik)

174 Klausa Kondisional (Conditional Clauses) Pada Novel The Mirror Crack’d From Side To Side Karya Agatha Christie: Satu Kajian Sintaktis Dan Semantis

175 Analisis Sintaktis Dan Semantis Verba “Get” Pada Novel Standoffkarya Sandra Brown

176 Referensi Komparatif Pada Novel Johnny Angel Karya Danielle Steel: Satu Kajian 'Analisis Wacana'

177 Anal Isis Penggunaan Campurkode Dalam Majalah Seventeen: Satu Kajian Sosiolinguistik

178 Analisis Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling Dan Terjemahannya

1. The Speech Act And Communication Strategy In Children Of 3-5 Years Old
2. Quality of The Discourse Developed by The Participants of Java Overland English Debate
3. Abnormal Behavior Of John Nash In A Beautiful Mind The Life Of Mathematical Genius And Nobel Laureate John Nash By Sylvia Nasar
4. The Aspects Of Heroism Reflected In Go The Distance Sung By Michael Bolton And Hero By Mariah Carey
5. Motivation In Anne Emery’s Campus, Melody A Study Of The Main Character’s Effort To Achieve Her Goal
6. The Analysis On Indonesian Translated Collocations Of J.K Rowling’s Novel, “Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire”
7. Contrastive Analysis Between English And Indonesian Basic Sentence Patterns
8. Power Relation Established Between The Main Characters Of Dawson’s Creek “Dirty Dancing”
9. Strategies Used For Idiom Translation In J.K Rowling’s Novel Entitled “Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire”
10. Idiomatic Expressions Found In Emily Bronte’s Novel Wuthering Heights (An Analysis Of Their Forms And Meanings)
11. The Influence Of Emily Dickinson’s Life Background On The Concept Of Death Found In Her Poem Entitled Because I Could Not Stop For Death
12. An Analysis Of Directive Speech Acts In The Movie “The Sleeping And Beauty”
13. The Strategies Used To Support Arguments By College Students In Speech Contest
14. Analisis Sintaktis Dan Semantis Verba “Get” Pada Novel Standoff Karya Sandra Brown
15. Referensi Komparatif Pada Novel Johnny Angel Karya Danielle Steel, Satu Kajian “Analisis Wacana”
16. Analisis Penggunaan Campur Kode Dalam Majalah Seventeen “Satu Kajian Sosiolinguistik”
17. A Discourse Analysis Of Bush S Speeches On Democracy Issue Through Illocutionary Act Theory
18. Analisis Sintaktis Dan Semantis Moto Iklan Rokok Berbahasa Inggris
19. Analisis Kalimat Intransitif Pada Novel If Tomorrow Comes Karya Sidney Sheldon Satu Kajian Sintaktis-Semantis
20. Pronomina Persona ‘You’ Pada Novel The Da Vinci Code Karya Dan Brown Dan Terjemahannya Satu Kajian Sintaktis – Semantis
21. The Metaphors In William Wordsworth’s Poems Based On Riffaterre’s Semiotic Theory
22. A Study On English Special Expression Used By Receptionists And Housekeeping Staff In Tugu Hotel Of Malang
23. Kombinasi Verba Dengan Partikel Down, In, On Dan Up Sebagai Adverbia Atau Preposisi Dalam Novel The Client Karya John Grisham (Suatu Kajian Sintaksis Dan Semantik)
24. The Influence The Of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot In Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance Of Being Earnest”
25. Macro-Structure Of The American Short Stories For The Efl Classroom
26. The Perceptions Of Free-Sex Of The People As Reflected In Roger’s American Pie 2
27. Hedonism Of American Travelers During 1870s As Reflected In Henry James’s Daisy Miller
28. The Capitalist Dominance Found In Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery
29. The Psychoanalytical Study On The Characteristics And Causes Of Josephine’s Deviant Behaviors Found In Agatha Christie’s Novel Crooked House
30. Assimilation Among The Characters In Bharati Mukherjee’s Novel Desirable Daughters
31. Empathy Empowerment As Therapy For Mood Disorders Reflected On The Main Characters In John D. Macdonald’s Novel Cancel All Our Vows
32. Figures Of Speech Expressed In Norman Vincent Peale’s You Can If You Think You Can
33. A Psychoanalysis On Conflict Of The Main Character As Seen In The Film “Jersey Girl”
34. Unveiling The Mystery Of Incest As The Mirror Of Soul Depression In “The God Of Small Things” And Its Relevance To The Modern Society A Psychological Approach
35. Logical Fallacies In Causal Patterns Made By Debaters In The Eighth Indonesian Varsities English Debate Championship
36. The Main Character’s Role In Kaw’s Culture Reflected In Mary Whitebird’s Ta-Na-E-Ka
37. Jane Eyre, A Portrayal Of British Middle Class Women In The 19th Century As Reflected In Charlotte Bronte’s Novel “Jane Eyre”
38. The Impacts Of Parent’s Ambition In Developing Child’s Talents Toward Child’s Development As Reflected In Tan’s Two Kinds
39. Psychoanalysis Of The Dream Works To Show Roy’s Despair Toward Indian Society In Arundhati Roy’s “The God Of Small Things”
40. Racial Prejudice Against The Half-Castes In Australia In Xavier Herbert’s Novel “Capricornia”
41. A Feminist-Marxist Criticism On Candace Bushnell’s “Sex And The City”
42. Motivation Of The Main Character’s Survival In O’henry’s ‘Soapy’s Choice’
43. Rhetorical Devices Found In Jewel’s Song Lyrics
44. The Struggle For Human Rights Of Gay And Aids - Infected Person Of The Main Character In Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia Movie
45. Code-Switching In Cool Jockey’s Utterances In RCT FM Semarang
46. Violations Of The Gender Equality Principles Revealed In The Novel Inside The Kingdom By Carmen Bin Ladin
47. A Woman’s Ambitions In Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Poems Entitled “How Do I Love Thee” And “The Lady’s Yes”
48. Kepribadian Dominan Pada Tokoh Frank Hopkins Dalam Skrip Film Hidalgo Karya John Fusco
49. Analisis Makna Implisit Pada Novel Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Karya J. K. Rowling Dan Terjemahannya
50. Homosexuality In James Baldwin’s Novel “Giovanni’s Room”
51. Conversational Implicature In Shelagh Delaney’s ‘A Taste Of Honey’
52. Anti Racism Propaganda In Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”
53. Undermining Bourgeois Mentality As Reflected In Charles Dickens’ Novel “Great Expectations”
54. Context Of Situation And Context Of Culture In William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet XVIII”
55. A Comparative Study On Diction And Sentence Structure Between Spoken News Broadcast By Cnn International And Written News Articles Issued By Time Magazine
56. Domestic Violence Against Woman In Helvy Tiana Rosa’s A Meeting In A Silent Garden
57. Analysis Of Juvenalian Satire Toward Women And Society Found In Eminem’s Lyrics
58. The Spirit Of Individualism Of George Walker Bush As Reflected In His Biography Written By Elizabeth Mitchell W Revenge Of The Bush Dynasty
59. Symbols Of The Nature Destruction In Ang Lee’s Film Hulk
60. An Analysis Of Idiomatic Expressions Used In The Translations Of Tolstoy’s Stories And Tales Contained In The Best Stories And Tales Of Leo Tolstoy By Aylmer Maude
61. Woman's Struggle As Reflected By Tracy Whitney In If Tomorrow Comes Written By Sidney Sheldon
62. Imagery Found In “In Bloom”, “Lounge Act”, And “Drain You” Song Lyrics Of Kurt Cobain
63. Scott O’dell’s View Towards Woman’s Position In Nineteenth Century Indian’s Society As Reflected In Streams To The River, River To The Sea
64. Social Conflicts Between Upper Class And Lower Class As A Result Of Industrialization Found In Jack London’s Short Story “South Of The Slot”
65. Klausa Kondisional (Conditional Clauses) Pada Novel The Mirror Crack’d From Side To Side Karya Agatha Christie Satu Kajian Sintaktis Dan Semantis
66. Love As A Motivation Of Life For The Main Character Reflected In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappacini’s Daughter”
67. A Deconstructive Analysis Of Man’s Hegemony Over Woman In Love In Oscar Wilde’s Drama A Florentine Tragedy
68. Men’s Perceptions Toward Women’s Existence As Reflected By Men Characters’ Actions Toward Geisha In Arthur Golden’s Novel “Memoirs Of A Geisha”
69. Reflection Of Ethical And Psychological Hedonism In James Cameron’s Movie Titanic
70. Analysis On Blyton’s Novel “The Naughtiest Girl Is A Monitor”
71. Social Bias Of Modern Society In Pretty Woman Film
72. The Downfall Of State Officials Lured By Political Temptations (A Psychoanalytical Study of Shakespeare’s Drama Script Othello)
73. The Expressions Of The Main Characters’ Love In Thomas Hardy’s Novel The Return Of The Native (Psychological Approach)
74. Racial Conflicts Among The Characters Of Percy’s A Note To Racial Relation
75. Lara Cameron’s Motivation In Achieving Power And Wealth In Sidney Sheldon’s The Stars Shine Down
76. Geisha’s Life In Japanese Culture Before World War Ii Reflected In Memoirs Of A Geisha A Sociology Study in Literature
77. The Generalized And Particularized Implicature Found In Time Magazine Advertisement Slogans
78. Type Of Processes Found In The Jakarta Post News In The Topic Of Tsunami In Aceh A Transitivity Analysis
79. Children’s Dream And Maturity Steps In White Lion’s Song Lyric When The Children Cry
80. The Psychoanalytical Study On Mahmoody’s Aggressive Behavior Found In Betty Mahmoody’s Autobiographical Novel “Not Without My Daughter”
81. A Communist Propaganda Towards American Black Society Through Richard Wright’s Native Son
82. Belenggu-Belenggu Patriarki Sebuah Pemikiran Feminisme Psikoanalisis Toni Morrison Dalam The Bluest Eye
83. Social Class And Political Satire In Mark Twain S The Prince And The Pauper
84. An Analysis Of Children’s Emotion In Privratsky’s Conversations With My Daughter Through The Freudian Psychoanalysis Theory
85. The Structure Of English Conversations Between Tour Guides And Foreign Visitors In Mangkunegaran Palace Of Surakarta
86. Oppression Toward Women in George Eliot’s Novel The Mill on the Floss
87. The translation of Gerund In Carolin Plaisted Novel ELOVE And Its Translation By Sutanti Lesmana
88. A Semantic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Furqon by T. B. Irving
89. Comparative Study on Suprasegmental Phonemes in English Speech between Native And Non Native Speaker Teachers in BSNP
90. A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement
91. Flouting and Hedging Maxims
92. Beauty Concept of Geisha in Arthur Golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha
93. Women’s Woman Struggle Againts Gender Inequality in The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
94. The Main Character’s Need in Elizabeth Dunkle’s Every Woman Loves Russian Poet
95. Morphological Error Found in the English Essays
96. A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Comprehension Disorder of the Schizophrenic Character
97. Man’s Search for Meaning Based on Logotherapy Theory in Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises
98. The Sexist Swear Words Used by the Characters in Shottas Movie
99. A Micro Structure as a Discursive Strategy on Racism
100. A Grammatical Error Analysis of Students’ Movie Review of Bilingual Magazine Competition
101. Racism in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird
102. A Discourse Analysis on Negative Politeness Strategy Used in There is something about Mary Film
103. Apology Strategies Used by the Characters of Joe Wright's Pride and Prejudice Movie
104. The Violation of Maxims in the Conversation of “Step Up 2”
105. Key Words Used by the Football Manager José Mourinho in Provoking the Rivals
106. Analysis on the Use of Slang on Eminem's Lyrics
107. A Study on the Associative Meanings of The Jakarta Post Weekender Magazine
108. The Events in Setting Influencing Nancy’s Personality in Mary Higgins Clark’s Where Are The Children
109. Women’s Speech Features Used by the Characters of Sex and the City Movie
110. Transformational Processes of Deletion Found in the Debate Transcript of Barrack Obama and John McCain
111. Racial Discrimination Reflected in Edward P. Jones’s The Known World
112. The Monomania of the Main Character Dr. William Chester Minor in Simon Winchester’s The Professor and the Madman
113. Speech Style Used in The Oprah Winfrey Show
114. Apology Used In Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason Movie
115. Hedonism and Homosexual Tendency in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray
116. Discourse Markers Used By James Bond As The Main Character Of Casino Royale
117. Gratitude Expressions and Gratitude Responses of Male and Female Characters in Rachel Getting Married Movie
118. A Discourse Analysis on the Persuasive Technique Used in DRTV Advertisement
119. Persuasive Strategy Used By David Cameron In His Political Campaign Speeches
120. Rhetorical Appeals of Pastor Stanley and Ahmed Deedat in Great Open Debate “Is Jesus God”
121. Women’s Rebellion against the Patriarchal System in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening
122. Flouting and Hedging Maxims inKung Fu Panda Movie
123. Jane’s Refusal Towards Gender Inequalities In The Victorian Era Revealed In Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
124. A Study on Flouting and Hedging Maxims Used By the Main Characters on “Daddy Day Camp”
125. Claims of Fact in Opinion Editorial-Columnist Sections of The New York Times On-line Newspaper
126. A Psycholinguistic Analysis on Sign Language Used by Jonah in And Your Name is Jonah Movie
127. A Psycholinguistic Study on Language Disorder of a Dyslexic Character in the Movie “Like Stars on Earth”
128. Learning Objectives in J. K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
129. Associative Meaning Found in The Central Media News
130. Syntactic Characteristics of African American Vernacular English on ‘a Raisin’ in the Sun’ Film
131. Implicature Found in Epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul
132. Language Styles of Advertisements in Time Magazine
133. Slavery in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
134. Hesitation in Weekly English Program of Pondok Pesantren Mathlabul Ulum Jambu Lenteng Sumenep Madura
135. A Syntactic Analysis of Negative and Interrogative Sentences in Kangguru Magazine
136. Gender Discrimination Experienced by the Main Character Described in The Last Empress
137. Psychological Dilemma of the Major Characters in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper
138. Gratitude Strategy Used by the Characters of Charlie Bartlett Movie
139. The Politeness Strategies Used by Anne as The Ambitious Main Character
140. The Structure of Sentence Used in Headlines of FourFourTwo Magazine Website
141. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Intimate Language in Camp Rock
142. Implicatures Used in “the Devil Wears Prada” Film
143. An Analysis on Women’s Language Used by the Main Character of “Thirteen” Movie
144. A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams
145. Oppression to Women in Shirley Conran’s Crimson (A Feminist Literary Criticism)
146. A Syntactic Analysis on the Sentences Found in ‘Dora the Explorer’
147. Flouting and Hedging Maxims Found In Opinion Column of the Jakarta Post
148. Claims of Policy in Editorial Column of “The New York Times” Newspaper
149. Explicatures in the Headline News of Sunday Post
150. A Psycholinguistic Study on Language Comprehension Disorder of Character with Asperger’s Syndrome
151. A Study of Language Functions Used by the Caretakers of Autistic Children in “Miracle Run”
152. An Analysis of Formal Links Used in the English Translation of Shahih Bukhari
153. Perlawanan masyarakat kaum bawah inggris terhadap diskriminasi pada masa Revoluasi
154. Emma Bovary’s Suicide in Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary
155. Implicature Used in Humors of Yes Man Movie
156. Miss Havisham’s Mental Disorders in Charles Dickens’s “Great Expectations”
157. Types of Expository Writing on the Headline News of Aljazeera.com
158. Isabel’s Struggle against Hypocrisy in Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure
159. A Study of Grammatical Cohesion of Barack Obama's Speech in Al-Azhar University
160. An Analysis on Politeness Principles Used in “Spartacus” Movie
161. Paragraf sebab akibat yang digunakan di kolom bisnis di Koran the Jakarta Globe
162. A Discourse Study of Types of Cohesion Used by the Main Character of “Freedom Writers”
163. Moll’s Struggles in Being A Gentlewoman in Georgian Era in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders
164. Armenian-American Immigrants Reflected in William Saroyan’s The Man with the Heart in the Highlands
165. A Critical Discourse Analysis on Valkyrie
166. The Implicatures Used in the Debate between Barrack Obama and John McCain
167. Strategi Giliran Berbicara yang digunakan oleh Pewawancara di Metro TV “Indonesia This Morning”
168. Parenting Styles in John Hughes’ The Ship of Dreams
169. Languages Style Used in the Namesake Film
170. A Modality on Crash Movie
171. Implicature Used By the Main Character on the Movie Transcript of Memoirs of Geisha
172. A Discourse Analysis on Context Clues in Reading Section
173. The study on Argument in Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s speeches at International event
174. Religious conflict between french catholic and protestant
175. Linguistics Disorder of Stuttered Character in the Movie “A Fish Called Wanda”
176. An analysis of the main character’s hierarcky need in norah vincent’s self - made man
177. Lexical Meanings Used in Five Speeches of the Most Influential Speeches in Twentieth Century
178. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Derogation and Euphemization in Ahmadinejad’s International Speeches
179. A Woman’s Roles in William Shakespeare’s Othello
180. Initiations and Responses in Larry King Live
181. Code switching used by AFI 3 commentators in the concerts of afi 3 on Indosiar
182. Social backgound of taboo language expressed in the Movie of American Gangster

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