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Contoh Report Text Inggris 1
Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to aves class and they can be found all over the world.
Birds breath with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge or reduce their weight when flying or swimming.
There are many kinds of birds. Earth bird has special characteristic. They have different morphology according to their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are some species that live in land and the others live in water. Land birds live on their nest.
Female birds have specific tasks. they lay eggs and feed their baby, Beside that they look for foods for their baby.
Contoh Report Text Inggris 2
Thunder Lightning
Lightning is a sudden shock, very fast and the electric force between the cloud and ground, or from cloud to cloud. the speed of lightning, or thunder, can be several miles long. It is so hot, with average temperatures of 34,000 ° Celsius, that the surrounding air suddenly expands with a loud explosion, and sounds. This is what we hear thunder. Lightning occurs in hot, basah.saat rain storms, humid air is driven up to a great height. This is a type of cloud called cumulonimbus. When the cloud rises high enough, the moisture freezes and ice crystals formed and snowfl akes. It began to fall, turning to rain on the way down. This meet is more humid rainy How air, and it is the friction between those who generate static electricity. When the cloud is fully charged with electricity, it will be discarded as a flash of lightning. so lightning suddenly appear with the rain and the sounds are very loud and luminous.
Contoh Report Text Inggris 3
Itulah beberapa Contoh Report Text Inggris yang bisa digunakan sebagai acuan bagi pembaca semua. Semoge Contoh Report Text Inggris tersebut bermanfaat. (ws)Contoh Report Text Inggris 3
Football Play
Football is a game played by two teams of eleven. They try to score by kicking or heading the ball into the other team’s goal. Ten of the players can not use their hands. The goal keeper can handle the ball to stop it going into the goal.
Games similar to football have been played for many centuries. The rules of the games were written down in 1863. In England, the FA ( Football Association ) cup was first played for in 1872. In the same year, England played Scotland in the first game.
Today the most important International Competition is the World Cup which takes place in every four years. Brazil and Italy have each won the world cup three times.
Games similar to football have been played for many centuries. The rules of the games were written down in 1863. In England, the FA ( Football Association ) cup was first played for in 1872. In the same year, England played Scotland in the first game.
Today the most important International Competition is the World Cup which takes place in every four years. Brazil and Italy have each won the world cup three times.
Contoh Report Text Inggris 4
" Owl "
Snowy owls or nyctea scandiaca are large prey birds , they are diurnal . wich means they are active duting the daya instead of night. Snowy owls breed in remote areas or artic and sub artic regions mostly north their name suggests snowy owls heve dark white feathers with dark brown markings. Their feathers are thick covering even its leg and feet. They weigh around 1,6 kg to 2 kg and they stand about half a meter tall with the wing span 2 meter. They have around white head a black claw.
Contoh Report Text Inggris 5
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or peopple, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.
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